花見&東京タワー 桜の日本酒会 Cherry Blossom & Tokyo tower viewing with Spring SAKE!


東京タワーの側で、お花見を開催!穴場でゆったりワイワイと、SAKE Scene 〼福のオススメ日本酒を飲みながらお花見をしませんか?
日時 : 3月31日12:00頃から16
場所 : 東京都港区芝公園3-4東京タワー前の交差点にある、交番横の公園内道を入った、突き当たりの広場。正則高校、芝高裏。
会費 : ¥5,000
参加方法 : お電話かメールにてご予約をお願いいたします。TEL 03-6450-1559e-mail info@sakescene.com悪天候の場合は、会場はSAKE Scene 〼福となります。前日までに会場が公園か〼福か天気予報で判断し、イベントページにてご連絡いたします。
《Announcement for a Cherry-Blossom Viewing event!!》
We are going to have a picnic under the cherry trees with some great sake! Let’s enjoy the paring of the magnificent sake and the beautiful cherry blossom.
We will provide some sake that would be suitable for the viewing , some appetizer and Roast Pork Don!Also please feel free to bring some foods of your own!
Fee: 5,000 yen
Reservation :Please call us or send a message to e-mail address.
In case of rain, the event will take place at Sake Scene Masufuku.We will inform you by the day before.
We will add more information, such as maps, as the event gets closer.If theres anything you are concerned about, feel free to contact us!
SAKE Scene MasufukuTEL 03-6450-1559Email info@sakescene.comURL https://sakescene.com/
#sake #scene #masufuku#fermented #french #japan #cherryblossom #tokyo #tower